Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Wonderbook: Book of spells

The Wonderbook is the Playstation 3's latest peripheral.

In our Wonderbook package was, the game, Wonderbook itself, Playstation eye and move controller .

 This very exciting new concept's first release is the very impressive Book of spells.
Book of spells is by J.K.Rowling and it is brought to you by studio London, the team also responsible for Eyepet.
So you can expect something innovative, and that it certainly is.

There is an easy to follow video when the disc loads to instruct you on how to set up your accessories, and how to get the best picture to make your experience more magical.
You will need, a Playstation eye, a Playstation move controller and the game itself.

When the book of spells loads, you will be asked to position yourself for a photo for your profile.
This itself is a very cool idea as the Playstation eye will take around a 5 second video which then will bring your picture to life just like the moving pictures on the newspapers in Harry Potter.

You will also be asked if you would like to link your new game with an existing Pottermore account.
Pottermore is an online website that delves into the world of Harry Potter and Hogwarts.
It is beautifully designed, very captivating. It seems to be a click and point adventure and full of exciting games and challenges for the most budding wizard.

If you do not have a Pottermore account you can continue into your world of wizardry as normal.

All of the house names are displayed on screen and you get to choose which one you want to be in for your experience.

The voice over provided to help and instruct you throughout the game, has a warming and humorous Scottish accent that captures the feel of the age of mystical fantasy.

Studio London have really used the Playstation eye and move to its full potential for the book of spells, and really makes you feel like you are in and part of the game. The Playstation move becomes your chosen type of wand that is on offer, and with all of the move's sensors give fluid and smooth wand movement. The wand is used to levitate spells out of the book of spells that are featured and used in the Harry Potter series, and then to cast them, open letters and activate challenges. Text and spells taken from the book and levitate and float to the top of the screen. With your wand you can wave through the text and images pushing it in curious directions.

In the first chapter you learn four spells and towards the end of the chapter to get to put all you have learned to the test. Levitating thing's such as frogs, and Cog's to open tall iron gates to allow access to other areas.
You also learn spells that can be used to open locks, light your way and fight off enchanted vines, and maybe most impressively a water spell, which when first casted a horse made of water escapes and you have to use all your skills you have learned to get to and capture.

As you progress throughout the game you are rewarded with Playstation trophies, there is a nice amount of them which will make the game also appealing to trophy enthusiasts.

The Wonderbook itself has pages that when turned come to life on screen and there really are some breath taking moments.
As you start approaching the end of the book you may think you have run out of pages, but fear not. You simply close the book, turn it back over to the front and open the first page to continue.
You are told of the history of the spells you are about to learn, and this is demonstrated beautifully in the form of a pop up book with pop up characters. You also get the characteristic tabs of a pop up book which you get to pull which results in humorous redirection of the story and the way it plans out.

The controls are very well calibrated and with practice it would not take long for anyone to master.

Features that come with this game are, as already mentioned a choice to use an existing pottermore account, and you also get Original content courtesy of J.K.Rowling from the world of Harry Potter.

The whole concept of this game and the wonderbook itself is amazing. Like many families, we find, finding time to sit and read hard, especially with all the new technology coming out, kids are just not interested, with the release of the wonderbook, it will create time to sit together and learn, with many other games planned for release.
Saturday, 10 November 2012

Hope through the horizon

The time is rapidly approaching when i have to see the doctors about my anti-depressants.
I have bean on 75mg for the past 4 months, which is nothing compared to wifey's 150mg's.
I have one more perscription left to order then i will need to discuss further treatment with the doctors.
I have a feeling they may try to slightly reduce them. Am i ready for this? No i dont think i am.
I have started to feel better since having a higher dose, but maybe it has been masking the feelings rather than help deal with them.

On a couple of occasions i have missed a dose. The darkness comes back rapidly. I become vacant, moody (though wifey would just say i'm just moody. But i'd say more noticably so), irritable, fidgety and anxious, and it really surprises me how fast it draws back in. It doesn't even take half a day.

I was seeing a thearpist and some of what i have leanrt has helped. It has certainly made me feel i can follow some steps.
I feel i have become happier, more helpful, more on the ball, more energetic.
I also feel that i'm acheiving more, which feels good.
It also feels great to be able to have more energy to spend and play with the girls.
I'm having trouble controlling some habbits like having my phone in my hand most of the time, and i need to try to organise myself better. At the same time taking controll of some habbits like hording. I am getting to grips with decluttering.

I'm starting to notice thing's more now to, like when wifey is showing signs of an attack so we can get help quicker.
I'm still having slight difficulty with memory but wifey would say that is down to too much ps3.
But it's one of my fondest habbits, hobbies.

So for now things seem to be looking up. wifey needs steriods asap and then a start date for new medication, but hopefully it will all happy.

Thanks for reading folks

Tattooing so far

I have done about 7 tattoo's now. The most recent and most proud of is one i have done on my leg. It's just the outline so far.
I had advice from my mentor and i am very happy with.
I now really think i may become really good at this.
Looking forward to the future

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